Well, that didn’t take long.
And it certainly didn’t take an Einstein to figure out that our rush to balance budgets by granting early parole or release to thousands of convicts wasn’t such a great idea. It sure isn’t saving the money proponents predicted.
Several states embraced the theory that they could save millions of dollars every year by paring down their prison populations. They’ve quickly come to realize some things just can’t be measured by money. Like public safety – and the threat to the public’s safety.
This was starkly illustrated in Illinois recently when that state’s early release program was labeled, “A big mistake,” by none other than the governor, Patrick Quinn (right). He came to that conclusion after learning some violent convicts were sent home after spending only a few weeks in lockup. More than fifty of the early released were soon accused of new crimes, making more work for law enforcement and prosecutors handling the costly new cases.
So, where exactly was the savings in all that?
The program became a train wreck in Michigan, where 13,541 inmates were granted early release last year. One convict featured in a recent New York Times story is Scott Hankins, a two-time sex-crimes convict accused of molesting young girls he met at church. Some were disabled, and some were reported to be as young as seven. Last year, Hankins’s psychologists declared he met the criteria for a pedophilia diagnosis, but he was released anyway -– well before his 30-year-sentence was up. Prosecutors are now appealing the early releases of Hankins and other sex criminals. Those appeals are time-consuming and expensive for the state.

Oregon has now suspended its early release program.
Several other states are also reassessing just how to juggle early release and public safety. These programs are supposed to target only low-risk and non-violent prisoners. But obviously repeat offenders, violent offenders and sex predators are among those being set free. That’s just not fair to the rest of us.

But for now we need to struggle through this ill-fated idea of opening prison doors and allowing convicts to get out early. There’s got to be a better, safer way to try to balance budgets.
I suggest state officials take a deep breath and study what’s happened in Colorado. Early on officials there figured they could save $19 million with the early release of some 2,600 prisoners. Sounded like a great idea. But they took the time to actually study individual cases and realized that, in good conscience and with public safety top of mind, they could only justify releasing a mere 264 convicts.
It’s okay to admit a mistake. In fact, oftentimes it’s the smartest thing we can do.
Alabama had a terrible over crowded prison syster several years ago and the insane Judge and Legislators threatened to jail the Prison Commissioner if he didn't come up with a remedy in 90 days. That mind set in and of itself is the reason we have the issues we do in the penal system. Do something! We don't care what, just do something to fix this. What complete idiots. The poor Prison Commissioner hadn't even been in the position a year and he certainly wansn't the reason for the over crowding, but the idiots who are calling for him to fix the problem were at fault....judges and legislators. UGH!
I maintain we need more prisons and facilities. Sure on the decrims. Getting more means more taxes and the two thoughts that keep coming to mind we probably will not see for awhile. Flat tax and restructuring the tax system. Secondly (I am not a user) consider marijuana as a cash crop medicnally and as other uses. This would create a huge windfall for prisons, other (health care, ect) create jobs and debt retirement. It's not that simple now but we cannot afford to have reoffenders or dangerous people out there in our spaces...
Is it still an early release if other countries would have given him a much shorter sentence or if the sentence was much shorter in this country decades ago?
Are we going to compare our "sentences" with other countries? Which countries? That's the craziest idea I've ever heard.
It's stupid to consider "early release" to save money, just for the fact that MOST criminals don't get sentences long enough for the "real" crime, anyway. And why EVER do they consider ANY offender that was convicted of a violent crime against another?? You can guarantee that a sex offender will re-offend. Period.
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