It was bound to happen. Women in Crime Ink is pleased and excited to announce that we have been tapped to star in a major Hollywood production to be directed by award winning Hugh Moore and produced by the illustrious Joe Kingnow. A Hitchcockian chiller, this movie will be a fast paced look into the dark side of human nature and who better to add perspective than our own true crime specialists who have been giving perspective on all things crime related for the last two years.
This "chick flick" in the literal sense of the word will star Women in Crime Ink members both individually and as a group of true crime aficionados who band together to solve a high profile crime. We are sworn to secrecy about many of the details of this high powered thriller but there are a few things that we have been allowed to reveal at this point.
With the assistance of a poison expert and a criminal profiler, a determined group of super sleuths use their collective talents to apprehend a diabolical serial killer who has slipped through the fingers of law enforcement authorities time and time again. A policewoman turned author will continuously foil the attempts of law enforcement authorities to derail the best efforts of these crime solving cohorts in one of the lighter sub plots of the film. This tantalizing thriller takes many twists and turns before the ultimate capture of the cold blooded killer who turns out to be anyone but your typical criminal.
Women in Crime's Ink's own Donna Pendergast will star as Faye Cout the pit bull prosecutor who comes up against adversity at every turn and will have to air her own dirty laundry as the tumultuous trial careens towards an unexpected and unlikely end. Katherine Scardino will play Jess Tingnow, the dedicated defense attorney with a few secrets of her own.
In a plot twist that mirrors real life a local reporter is jailed during the sensational trial for refusing to reveal a confidential source (sound familiar?). Diane Fanning will play Dee Coy the calculating crime writer who defends the First Amendment at the cost of a jail cell where she encounters yet another unlikely source for her tabloid tattling. In a plot twist guaranteed to leave you on the edge of your seat, her best selling novel released after the trial reveals an important semantical clue that will shock the public and make a mockery of the justice system.
Other notable stars cast to play in this thriller include Josh Alot, Joe K. Round, Tom Foolery and Aprils Fools.
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted! Tweet
LOL Good job, Donna!! April Fools!
Very Funny! Mr. Katfish put a rubberband around the sprayer on the kitchen sink this morning so when I turned on the water to fill my coffee pot I got all wet! I much prefer your type of joke....at least I had my coffee before this one.
What a day....I'm leaving the house if he is going to be around!
Good job, thangs
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