by Holly Hughes
It’s been a busy week for the death penalty in
American jurisprudence. We seldom hear
so much about it from simultaneous corners.
From Texas to Georgia to Connecticut, we have seen it take center stage
this week. What I find fascinating are the varied reactions to each of these
individuals cases.

A lot of the news coverage stated emphatically that
there was no physical evidence. Other
media outlets briefly acknowledged that there was some, ie: the shell casings,
which matched casings from another
shooting that Davis had been convicted of. Much was made about the seven recantations, but little was mentioned
about the fact that it took seventeen years for those recantations to occur.
I am not weighing in on the guilt or innocence of
Troy Davis. I have not read the
transcripts, nor watched any interviews of witnesses. I am simply commenting on the fact that most
of the reporting on this particular case was inaccurate or incomplete at
best. However, it garnered a lot of
attention and gave opponents of the death penalty a great deal of ammunition in
their argument against the death penalty.
At the same time, in Texas, another man was
scheduled to be, and ultimately was, executed.
We didn’t see this one widely reported.
In fact, it passed relatively unnoticed.
On the very same day that Georgia executed Troy Davis, the State of
Texas put to death Lawrence Russell Brewer.
Brewer was convicted of the horrific murder of James Byrd, Jr. back in
1998. Brewer, along with his two
co-defendants in the case, committed unspeakable violence against Mr. Byrd
simply because he was African-American.
It was a hate crime pure and simple.
But there was nothing pure or simple about the inhuman acts perpetrated
against Mr. Byrd. He was beaten
unconsciousness, urinated on, tied by the ankles with a heavy chain and drug
behind a truck until his arm and head were severed from his body.
While Texas and Georgia were carrying out death
sentences, Connecticut was seeking to have one handed down. This brings us to the case of Joshua
Komisarjevsky. This is the monster who
broke into the Petit family home, beat Dr. Petit unconscious and tied him
up. Once that was done, he then, along
with his co-defendant, Stephen Hayes, sexually assaulted the Doctor’s wife and
two daughters, the youngest of which was eleven years old. When that was done, Komisarjevsky took Mrs.
Petit to the bank and forced her to withdraw fifteen thousand dollars. As if all of these abuses were not enough,
when they returned to the house, these two monsters tied all the women to their
beds and set the house on fire, burning them alive.
Prior to this case, the State of Connecticut was
debating abolishing the death penalty.
These crimes put a quick stop to that.
In the face of such evil, the people decided they needed the death penalty, they wanted
the death penalty and they were going to seek the death penalty. They got it.
Last year, co-defendant Stephen Hayes was sentenced to death.
So, the question that arises is: why did we not see
600,000 signatures calling for a stay for Lawrence Russell Brewer? Why are there no protests outside the
Connecticut courthouse where prosecutors are currently seeking the death
penalty against Komisarjevsky? Now, the easy answer is “there was little to no
evidence against Troy Davis.” Well, who
gets to make that decision? A jury of
his peers, yes, his peers. Seven of the
original twelve jurors were African-American.
Twenty eight different courts reviewed this case and felt that the
evidence was strong enough, even in light of the late-in-the-day recantations.
From a purely pragmatic standpoint, allowing social media to dictate who gets
executed and who doesn’t turns the justice system into nothing more than a
version of Survivor (no pun intended).
No one should be voted off the island but people who weren’t even
involved in the game.
Again, I cannot say whether or not Troy Davis was
guilty. I am simply asking the question,
“what can we learn” from this past weeks’ multiple death cases. If you believe the death penalty is wrong,
then it’s wrong for everyone, including the monsters who commit unspeakable
horrors against their fellow human beings, sometimes for no other reason than
If the problem is with the application, then how do
we fix it? Lobby legislatures? Call for one uniform application of the death penalty, which would
be forced on all states by the federal government? I don’t pretend to have the answers. I will leave that to minds greater than my
own. But I find it an interesting
dichotomy that the folks who oppose the unequal application of the death
penalty are themselves unequal in their passion of whom they choose to rally