I didn't watch the Dr. Phil's two-day interview with George and Cindy Anthony for a number of reasons: because they make me ill (all three of them), because I knew there would be nothing but more lies to be told, and because I didn't want to contribute to the fame or fortune of any of them. But, most of all, because it was a shameless sham.
Most everyone who watched was curious to see if Dr. Phil would manage to corner the Anthonys, get them to break, to slip up, to finally admit to knowing more than they did before, during, and after the trial. Promos for the show promised "surprises" that we wouldn't want to miss. Hogwash. There was no way anything all that revealing could ever have happened during the interview because the interview was fixed from the start.
Think about it. The Anthonys weren't about to take a chance on spilling any beans; they didn't have to put themselves at risk just to make the bucks. Dr. Phil and the Anthonys' attorney, Mark Lippman, made sure everyone would go home happy–at least everyone who was going to make money from this charade. Their "admissions" are still self-serving lies and half truths that benefit them and only them.
First of all, that show wasn't live. It was taped. And it was taped in a private location (note the secluded living room setting) without a studio audience. That means all the questions can be planned out ahead of time with both parties knowing what was going to be asked and how they would be answered. I would be surprised if there wasn't a condition in the contract that stated the Anthonys would have to approve the final product before it was aired. And there was no studio audience to be a witness to what was actually said and attest to what was deleted from the final product, so it was a pretty safe game for the Anthonys to play.

I also got a major snip during the show I taped with Dr. Oz as well. I was asked what kind of woman abandons her children to help a killer escape from prison and commit crimes with him. I looked the family in the eye and said, "A psychopath," and followed this up with a discussion of how the woman likely manipulated everyone around her as she traveled through life. The other guest disagreed with me, softening his take on the woman by telling the family that she likely became so smitten with the man that she lost control of her emotions. When the show aired, everything I said had vanished and the tone of the show was very forgiving. I haven't been asked back since.
However, there are
exceptions. I did quite a few taped shows for Montel Williams and I never had anything I said cut, even if it was controversial. I have to give a lot of credit to him and his producers that they allowed the viewers to see the show that was shot, not some watered-down version of the discussion.

And that is what Dr. Phil gave America with his phony interview of the Anthonys; a staged event that brought his show high ratings and the Anthonys a nice deposit in their (oh, excuse me, their organization's) bank account. We aren't told how much they got for their performance because Dr. Phil knows we would become livid if we found out the actual number of zeroes that was on the check handed over to them (think 6).
The viewers were duped. There never was a "no-holds-barred" interview with Cindy and George. The viewers are the losers and the Anthonys and Dr. Phil are the winners. Dr. Phil should have been ashamed of putting these people on his show, he should have been ashamed that he staged this event, and the Anthonys should have been ashamed to show their faces in public again. But, hey, there's money to be made, so the hell with decency, right? Caylee may be dead, but she's a gift that keeps on giving, and Casey and those people who created her, and all the rest of the morally bankrupt parasites, keep on receiving.
Great piece Pat ! Sincerely ! First, I'm with you on the sham angle. Second, and most interesting, thank you for the insight you give in regards to these TV shows as you are a prominent guest due to your expertise in your field. One thing about you, you speak your mind personally and professionally. Ok, that might qualify as two things about you, I don't know, but one thing I DO know, that is a great shot of you with Montel !
Thanks very much, Brian! I can tell you that I never suffered from keeping my opinion to myself::laughs::
Being in Australia I have no clue what this post is about...no idea who the Anthonys are or what they've done/not done and am happy to live in ignorance. Sadly we do get Dr Phil who I've always intuitively thought was a sham artist so it's good to have that confirmed by someone acting on experience rather than gut instinct. i shall go on not watching him and still managing to live a fulfilling life :)
Nice article, all true except where you say the Anthonys and DR Phil are winners. They aren't winners, they are scumbags and anyone having common sense and wanting justice for Caylee Marie would see those people for what they are. Scumbags- always will be. Thanks for the terrific article.
You nailed it perfectly Pat. Phil is a show-man first and a therapist second - I have never had any doubt about that. However even knowing that I AM gonna watch it... yeah, I'm a sucker - so kill me ;-)
Well said Pat!! If only the Dr. Phil viewers could have read this before watching his show. This family is disgusting! There have been so many lies, cover-ups, manipulation and just plain BS spewing from their mouths.. I don't believe one word of it. Cindy and George definitely need some extensive counseling, and certainly not by Mr. McGraw. They should all be ashamed of themselves. I enjoy reading your posts Pat.. they are always spot on. I love how you mince no words, only truth! Please keep on exposing toxic parasites such as the Anthonys!!
This is by far the best article to date. Dr Phil is a ringmaster in this circus of Scamthonys. I hope he does NOT endorse the sham of Caylee's Fund. It is a scam and its playing on grandparents fears and sympathy. Could you please do a piece on this?
Excellent article as always, Pat. I did not watch the $camthonys with Dr Shill phase one, and will not be watching phase two or any show of his again. Giving these people a platform to perform for money is unconscionable and I hope it is the beginning of the end for the Dr Shill Show.
Hey, did you hear? George and Cindy Anthony have chosen Steve Powell as their first "Grandparent of the Month!" ::laughs:
I totally agree about the fund. It is abhorrent they would operate anything in the name of Caylee after protecting her murderer (who they list as one of her survivors...disgusting..). If they had any sense of decency - which clearly is a trait that has escaped the family - they would stay out of the media spotlight and do quiet penance.
Bless you, Ms.Brown
Great article! Thanks for your insight regarding these talk shows. I cancelled cable long ago, not wanting to be a part of any of this. Caylee truly is the grandollar that keeps on giving. They all should be ashamed!
Thank you so much for telling it like it is. I wasn't going to watch it and I didn't. I feel after watching the Circus of a trial along with the lies there was nothing else the A's could have said. I strongly believe that C & G knew something and they had their day in court and they chose to go with their killer daughter. CA lied under oath and was not punished for it! So, how can Dr Phil interview the A's and tell his audience "new discoveries", hot wash. Though Dr Phil donated the money we all know that 90% of that money goes to C&G. Shame on Dr Phil for interviewing the A's. To think that he holds a degree and thought the A's were going to tell ALL. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
How can you base this discussion of a show you didnt watch?
Pat, you are the voice of reason in a world where people boost ratings and contribute $$ to immoral people because they are too weak to turn their damn TV's off. We live in a country that rewards CRIMINALS. I did NOT watch this sham and I am surprised that so many people did. Of course there's no new developments in this circus!! I can't believe people are drawn to this kind of "entertainment." a child was MURDERED and we all know what happened. It was a cool $500,000 the Anthonys received for their "foundation." Not bad for just one helpless murdered little child, huh?
America’s Children: How Are They Doing? (LINK)
Quote: "In 2005, an estimated 1,460 children died due to child abuse or neglect. More than 75 percent of children who were killed were younger than 4 years old. More than 40 percent of child fatalities were attributed to neglect. Physical abuse was also a major contributor to child fatalities (USDHHS, 2007)."
It disgusts me that the Anthonys keep profiting from little Caylee's death. It's such a circus environment. In Australia our media laws & fact that court cases aren't televised mean we don't get this situation. (Plus we are a smaller country!) the Anthonys should look at the example of Denise & Bruce Morcombe - their child went missing eight years ago & Oz police have just arrested someone & found some of Daniel's remains. The family are all class. They hav a foundation that does great work in educating kids about safety. In little Caylee's case her mum was the one who was dangerous to her. So sad & unfair.
Most revolting was Cindy. She kept making excuses of all kinds, none of which had any reality to them. One of the best was the old religion/God thing by telling everyone how she "prayed" and got an answer when her daughter was acquited (IT WAS GODS WILL!!!). Yeck.
And this, Pat, is why I love you!!! No candy-coated B.S. You tell it like it is!!!
Actually the interview wasn't bad - no sugar coating of anything an dr Phil did a fine job.
Of course Cindy was relieved when the jury gave a verdict that reflected her hopes - I think "god" was used as a euphemism here. At that point she clearly wasn't certain whether Casey was guilty or not but the jury settled the question for her (as it should have for the rest of America).
I agree with Anon at 3:32 am.
I also agree that Dr. Phil did this for the money. Just as every newspaper that has ever published a story about this case did it for the money. If no one reads or watches, then they don't make money.
Get off of your freaking high horses.
I do not have a problem with people making money to do their work. Television hosts, writers, etc., are not horrible if they make money talking or writing about crime. It is their job and they have the right to earn a living just like police officers, doctors, and funeral directors who make money because criminal activities exist in the world.
However, giving half a million dollars and a platform to liars who obstructed justice and protected a child killer is another thing. If Dr. Phil had a better character he would have refused to do it.
No surprises, no revelations, but plenty of media coverage for three liars... I don't, and won't, watch Dr. Phil anymore because of his unethical actions, and I do believe there is a forthcoming crash-and-burn event in the Anthonys' future... I'm a little bit psychic and they are a whole lot psycho!
I can't imagine that Dr. Phil would jeopardize his profitable status in the Oprah-verse by not making sure that the Anthonys under no circumstances benefits financially. I don't know what that Caylee foundation is or does but I'm sure that Dr. Phil's legal team checked it out thoroughly.
I believe that the sole reason why the Anthonys went on the show was to mend their public image. Which they did a fairly decent job at, as far as I could tell.
Interesting enough Dr. Phil categorically stated that he had no desire to interview Casey,- an interview that would arguably have sent his ratings through the roof.
And here you are Pat, talking about it again. (DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.) Little bit of a double standard here seems to me. You pulled 25 comments to this post by making them the topic. All of you are a bunch of bullies and hypocrites, always kicking someone when they are down. The more humane thing to do would be to shut the hell up about the whole thing and stop all the gossip.
The Anthony trial is a very controversial case that many have followed from the beginning Anonymous 4:50PM. Is it so strange that many want to discuss it?
And Pat isn't exactly a newbie in this area. Her take on crime and related events is always an interesting read and most appreciated... even in the cases where I don't agree with her (as in this one)...
It would be interesting, however, to get your observations of the interview as a Profiler.
Was it God's will that many wrongfully convicted people spent years in prison or on death row before DNA evidence cleared them?? Nor did God answer Cindy Anthony's prayers regarding Caycee's innocense or guilt through the verdict. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck. God's word says if one lies long enough they begin to believe their own lies. Just more proof, the nut doesn't fall too far from the tree and may even be a murderer!!
I couldn't have said it better. Thank u. I didn't watch because I knew it was a waste of time, and from what I heard, it was.
I don't think God ever said anything like that Anonymous 2:48. And in any event a popular saying isn't "proof" of anything.
Most of all, as if I was curious to see if Dr. Phil would manage the corner Anthony, get them to break, slide and finally admit that know more than they did before, during and after experience.
Most of all, as if I was curious to see if Dr. Phil would manage the corner Anthony, get them to break, slide and finally admit that know more than they did before, during and after experience.
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