On September 12 we will hear more from Cindy and George Anthony as they appear on the Dr. Phil Show to reveal "the truth” about Casey Anthony and her daughter Caylee’s death. My question is why these two liars didn’t reveal the truth when they were on the stand in a court of law? Yes, I said liars! Cindy’s body language and communication showed she lied repeatedly on the stand. The same is true for George. After seeing them on the stand, one can understand why Casey turned out the way she did. At least Dr. Phil, whom I know and respect, will demand they tell the truth and will not put up with any of their nonsense.
It is despicable to me that these two liars are now making a reported half-a-million dollars be appear on television to be grilled by Dr. Phil. It has been reported that the money will go into the Caylee Anthony Charity Fund for Missing Children. And who are executives in charge of this “charity?” Are they George and Cindy? How are the monies from this charity being spent? So they go into George and Cindy’s pockets? Also, Caylee was not a missing child. She was a murdered or drowned child. Take your pick. We were all duped and lead on a wild goose chase by Casey and then by Cindy and George.

Dr. Phil appears to be very direct with Cindy, who is beautifully made up complete with fake lashes in an attempt to make her look attractive, her body language is anything but attractive. She has turtle posture, where she hides her neck and hunches her shoulders like a turtle. People who have something to hide usually demonstrate this posture. Then in the promo Dr. Phil asks George, “Why did you sit on this information?” George is in true wimp form where he continues to not man up, turns to Cindy as he looks over at her in hopes she can rescue him from Dr. Phil’s direct line of questioning.
It will be interesting to see if they lie to Dr. Phil or they tell the truth. Look for tell-tale signs such as lip licking, excessive eye blinking, stammering, lip pursing, hemming and hawing, looking away, and scratching, to name a few.
"Cindy’s body language and communication showed she lied repeatedly on the stand."
What does the truth have to do with a criminal trial? The state wanted to murder her daughter Casey for a crime Casey did not commit. That tends to give you a different perspective on the 'process'. What about the police lying to the nation after the trial was over - just to protect themselves? That didn't bother you?
I think prosecutor and law enforcement should have waited on trying Casey. Until they had more solid evidence. Truthfully who cares what the parents have to say after the fact. The family ended up broken, Casey can't go out in public. They are in their own prison. More attention we give they seem to like it.
The title shouldn't have an apostrophe in the name of the couple. Anthonys should be plural, not possessive.
Do the Anthonys collect money from their "charity fund"? Well, neither is employed. Yet we see them swimming with dolfins, shopping in the Carolinas, and driving a brand new bright red SUV. Their old ones, you may remember, were black. Cindy is on disability. I have been on disability (following a bad accident), qualified for the highest amount, and had to take on a roommate to survive. The roommate was employed (unlike George). We did not travel or go on serial vacations, nor did I buy a new car. The Anthonys are getting money from SOMEWHERE. And will they tell the truth? Why would they be looking at each other before they answer a question if they are going to tell the truth? They both know exactly how Caylee disappeared, and HAVE known since they found the Sunbird. And they knew who killed her. Cindy even knew where Caylee's body was. I am disgusted with Dr. Phil for giving them a penny and I'm through with him, his show, and his books.
The Anthonys may have lied in court but what parent wouldn't when their child was in danger? As Voice of Sanity says, their daughter was being railroaded by the legal system in order to appease the public and was in serious jeopardy. Had it been my daughter I'd have done the same thing.
And now that their reputation is ruined they are forced to monetize their infamy in order to make ends meet. Hence this appearance on the Dr. Phil Show. These people have not been treated well...
Okay, well then, they can move in with you....
That stinking family was given the benefit of every doubt, yet what we the people got back was all the lies that they could think of. Their was never a moment that Caylee was the most important thing to discuss...they are shameful grandparents, and their daughter is a sham of a daughter, and a sham of a sister, more than all of those a sham of a mother.
Anonymous 3:45 PM said:"That stinking family was given the benefit of every doubt."
That's why the USA has a constitution, so people who are hated get something like a fair trial. Too bad so few people stand up for that worthy document.
@ A Voice of Sanity...How do you know that Casey didn't commit ANY of the crimes she was charged with?
I do believe that she wasn't proven guilty of 1st degree murder, but puhleeze...you as a supposedly intelligent person cannot believe that Casey is an "innocent dove" in all of this. That little 3 year old's bag of bones didn't hop into that swamp all by itself.
"That little 3 year old's bag of bones didn't hop into that swamp all by itself."
You are "hopping" to conclusions. Indeed, there was an excellent case to be made for improper disposal of human remains. She was not, however, charged with that.
"I have six honest serving men.
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What and Why and When
And Where and How and Who."
If you assume she is guilty, you cannot answer any of these questions.
If you assume she had no part in her child's death all of a sudden the whole thing, including her behavior, makes perfect sense.
Or to put it simply Cheryl - Casey don't have to prove that she "didn't" do it. It's the states job to prove that she "did" do it. And until they do she's as innocent in the crime as you and I. Many people seems to have forgotten this important fact.
One thing was 'proved' by the Pinellas 12 - that she was guilty of lying to the police... and her parents are liars, and he brother is a liar as well, so how can anything that any of them say reveal the truth? We will never know exactly how little Caylee died but the entire family is responsible for neglecting that child in one way or another and for that I hold them guilty, as accessories at least, in her death.
Casey killed her daughter. Maybe she did it accidently but not likely. The child did not die of natural causes nor by the hand of a stranger. The "voice" would like to convince everyone of her opinion but most of us are not interested in what you have to say.
"Casey killed her daughter."
You want to believe that. You can't prove it, and the evidence says you are wrong.
"... most of us are not interested in what you have to say."
'Most' of you can't handle reality.
Casey did kill her daughter. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It takes common sense. The evidence was there. The Pinellas's 12 were too stupid to see it. If looking at the evidence wasn't enough...watching the scamthony's on the stand should have been the straw that broke the camel's back. All of you who say different should move to Florida.....pinella's county to be exact.
Wow, "A Voice of Sanity" is quite desperate to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Its pathetic. Look. Most of us who believe in Casey's guilt were not "railroaded" or "convinced by the media". There was more than enough circumstantial evidence to point to this woman's guilt in the death of her daughter. Casey had the great fortune of having an ignorant and lazy jury. The "who"? that's easy. Casey. "Why?" that is also easy. Revenge and wanting to be single and carefree. "When?" Easy again. June 16th. "How?" Yes, this here is undetermined. But a jury doesn't need the how. If they needed that, then no skeletonized body would ever find justice. No matter how many times people like "sanity" try to divert and dissuade, the facts about this case speak loudly to all reasonable and logical people. Unfortunately in this case, Casey got extremely lucky with a panel of idiots. I hope she leads a miserable and lonely life.
The voice is quite a bully.
Really? I merely speak the truth. It seems you are unused to the truth.
Voice of sanity? I think not.
Anonymous said: "I think not."
I agree. Sums it up very well.
If you want to prove Anthony guilty, download the jury charge from the net. Try here:
CASE NO.: 2008-CF-15606-A-O
and try to find facts to support any of the charged crimes without assuming facts or distorting the process with faulty logical fallacies like "No True Scotsman" or "post hoc ergo propter hoc" or the like.
Several of us have tried. None have succeeded. This was the experience of the jury as well.
I think "voice of idiocy" is a Pinella's juror.
All anyone needs to know is that Casey drove around with her daughter's corpse in her car as she partied it up and got tattoos commemorating her new found freedom. She abandoned said smelly car next to a dumpster, placed a decoy trash bag in the trunk to try to mask the smell of her rotting daughter, and left her purse in the car in the hopes someone would steal it.
She then went out of her way to distract law enforcement and to lie about her daughter being alive and then subsequently the location of her daughter's remains, in effect, buying time because she knew that the condition of her daughter's body would not reflect her statements. If this is not enough evidence of guilt, then I am not sure what this country has come to. This isn't CSI, there isn't a smoking gun or DNA at every crime scene.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that every single item at the crime scene/dump site was linked directly back to the Anthony home? Are we to believe that George Anthony, a former cop would be stupid enough to hide an accident and then let his daughter sit in jail ALL OF THAT TIME??? Why didn't anyone from the defense team come forward and admit it was an accident before the trial started? Those jurors thought they hit the jackpot with this trial. Instead, all they did was let a murderer go free.
Why is "A Voice" even discussing this trial and OUR LAWS when they are apparently Canadian?
A "Voice" is mentally ill. They also believe Scott Peterson is innocent. Argument over and out.
Anonymous cowards babble incoherently again. No one cares.
Really? Anonymous? So the "Voice of Sanity" is your real name? A bully for sure.
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?
Say what? Well voice of stupidity watched movies. That deserves a high five! Jessup ended up confessing. Too bad the skank didn't take the stand. Her lies would have tripped her up just like Jessup. The 12 alleged jurors ignored the judges instructions and probably discussed the case prior to deliberation. Why else would someone from the jury say some of them wanted to see pictures? The skank is lucky she got an idiotic jury.
All libel. No facts. No logic. That's an F- for you.
The jury was brave, kept focused on the evidence and proved that lynch mobs are thing of the past. And thank god for that.
I agree, I do think "A Voice of Sanity?" is one of the jurors. A defensive one.
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