Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Madeleine: Wherein lies the Truth

It is said there is often a lot of nonfiction in fiction and a lot of fiction in in nonfiction. Kate McCann's new autobiography, Madeleine, is a prime example of this axiom. I say 'autobiography' because Kate's book is not so much about what happened to her missing daughter, Madeleine Beth, but about Kate McCann nee Healy - her life, her loves and her losses, her trials and her tribulations. In reality, very little of the book is about the missing little girl who vanished in Praia da Luz, the lovely vacation destination in the Algarve of south Portugal; it is a carefully crafted revisionist history of one of the most puzzling missing children's cases in recent years and a strident defense of the characters and behaviors of Kate and Gerry McCann.

Children go missing every day around the world but few children get the level of publicity that has surrounded the case of Madeleine McCann, who was almost four-years-old the evening she vanished from the McCann's Ocean Club apartment, allegedly snatched from her bed as she slept in a bedroom with her twin two-year-old twin siblings, Sean and Amelie. What set this case apart from so many is the fact that her parents were not at 'home' with their children when this alleged abduction occurred; they were off in the resort complex dining and drinking with their seven friends for the evening. For that matter, all of the infant and toddler children of the Tapas restaurant party were left alone to fend for themselves while their parents enjoyed their last night in town.

Madeleine and her brother, Sean, had spent a good hour of the previous evening crying for their parents and a couple of the other children were fussy or ill, one to the point of vomiting while her parents were off having dinner. Three of the families locked up their apartments while they were gone, but the McCanns, Kate and her husband, Gerry, say they left all the doors open so that someone, apparently anyone, could have easy access to the children. The parents of these children were hardly uneducated boobs. They were medical doctors and surgeons and folks of relatively high status back home in their British communities. The case made the tabloids, but, in fact, it was the McCanns themselves that courted the media relentlessly, making Madeleine the most recognized missing child in the world and, themselves a target of a good deal of criticism and skepticism. They claimed their campaign was to find Madeleine but a fair number of people think it was a smokescreen to cover their own criminal acts.

When Madeleine turned up missing at the end of the evening's revelries, the world was not only shocked that the little girl disappeared but that her parents were neglectful in their duties to provide a safe situation for her. Not only that, but rumors began to fly that the McCann children may have been sedated by their own parents so as to not be problematic again when left unattended and with that additional bit of disturbing information, the McCanns became victims and villains at the same time. Over the course of the next few months, the police came to believe that the only victim in this drama was Madeleine who they surmised died accidentally while left alone and that the McCanns hid little Madeleine's body somewhere in Praia da Luz, staged an abduction, and with the help of their friends covered-up the crime. Four years later, the case remains unsolved and the McCanns remain under suspicion.

Which is why Kate McCann wrote her book, Madeleine. Not, in my opinion, to re-energize the search for her daughter as she claims, but to convince people of her innocence and raise revenue. Considering the fact the book sold 50,000 copies of the very first day and was serialized for half a million dollars and the Amazon reviews are mostly glowing and supportive, I would say Kate has achieved her goals in quite a smashing way.

But, there are still hidden nuggets of gold to be mined from within Kate's version of what happened in Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007. The one dangerous thing about telling yet another rendition of events is that there is often truth among the lies or lies among the truth; this is why police investigators always want persons-of-interest to keep talking and defense attorneys keep telling their clients to shut the hell up.

The added information in Kate's book has enabled me to complete a Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann (US) (and UK). I had been reluctant to offer one for a long time because, in spite of the many police reports and statements and television appearances of Kate and Gerry McCann, I wanted to hear the story from one of their mouths, to know their answers to some very pertinent questions. Kate finally did me the favor when she wrote, Madeleine, and although most of the book is a defense of her behaviors and actions, it is through this defense that Kate has given me a much stronger insight into what likely happened the night Madeleine went missing and why certain things happened or did not happen. Even with time to meticulously choose what one wants to say, it is amazing that what actually ends up coming out is something that perhaps would be better left unsaid. However, personal agendas, narcissism, and a lack of objectivity can cloud the judgment and the end results might not be exactly what the person intended. And I thank Kate for that.

Let me tell you two of the biggest revelations in the book: Kate admits no one came through the window of the children's bedroom. Yes, after years of insisting that someone broke into the apartment by tampering with the shutters and forcing the window open, Kate now backs down from that claim, agreeing with the Policia Judiciara that an abductor did not climbed into or out of the room. This is sort of a Bombshell Tonight. What this means is that Kate does not claim the police botched the evidence and while she still claims there was an abductor that opened the window for reasons that make no sense, her admission changes how I view what actually happened that night.

Another fascinating bit in the book is Kate's incredibly generous forgiveness of Jane Tanner for not telling her immediately that she saw a man carrying Madeleine off from the apartment; she is instead thankful that "someone had seen something." In other words, Kate is happy an abduction was seen going down, not that she was notified of it in time to do anything about it. This startling revelation tells me a lot about the mindset of the McCanns and adds greatly to the profile in determining what happened to Madeleine.

I hope Kate McCann does achieve her goal of re-energizing the investigation of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and that the truth of the matter will indeed finally come to light.


A Voice of Sanity said...

What on earth is this about? It makes no sense at all.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Pat Brown. Can't wait to read the book.

joobie said...

are you saying the parents did it? at least meake an explicit accusation if that is what you mean.

SteelMagnolia said...

Good morning Pat,

I believe the most explosive part of this mystery is yet to be known, the fact that the group did not leave the children alone.

Let me explain, Paulo Rebelo on taking over the case said 'I am going to look at this from a completely different angle'

Within three weeks he let it leak through a newspaper he had discovered 7 of the children were together, he said nothing about the eighth child or who it was even. This threw the McCanns and their PR mouthpiece Mitchell into a dizzy fit. Rebelo had discovered their darkest secret, the fact that neglect had been invented to make a window for the abduction.
No neglect , no abduction.

Rebelo waited for the McCann response, he had said seven of the children were in the McCanns apartment ? response ! and then Mitchell bellowed back 'Ludicrous how can you get 7 children to sleep all at the same time, it would be much more difficult'

Mitchel, so busy in trying to push the 'neglect' (that never happened) said nothing about the McCanns apartment nor did he ask of the whereabouts of the eighth child...????Curious reaction No ?

Within a matter of weeks Kate McCann wrote in a panic to Rebelo, he had discovered they had not left their children alone, so how the hell would they explain the disappearance of Madeleine.

Reading the police files there is one person each evening missing from the group, this person claims in their witness statement to have been sick. You remove one adult and place a group of children ALL together you have a babysitter.

NEGLECT was the Big lie to cover what really happened to Madeleine.

Read Kates letter Pat but read it with the knowledge Kate has just discovered the new officer in charge of the case now knows the children were not left alone each evening.

SteelMagnolia said...

Another point of interest ,on hearing this news of ' no neglect' two of the witnessess wanted to change their statements but were afraid, due to the power behind the McCanns. The witnessess?..Surprise , surprise, Jane Tanner and her partner Russell O'Brien. PR mouthiece Mitchell once again denied this information and we had an accusation of PJ leaking the McCanns personal files,,,all lies but the information that was alleged to be leaked was about the McCanns leaving the children alone to cry...HERE we see again the need to push the 'neglect' NEGLECT is the ace card if people start to realize neglect did not happen then the truth is plain to see.

Tanner and O'Brien were pressured enough to keep their mouths shut and the reconstruction did not go ahead due to new information...we are now looking at nine people who had lied about neglect to cover-up the truth of what really happened to Madeleine.

Anonymous said...

steel...too convoluted

Anonymous said...

Pat, is there any way that you can make the Profile available as a simple pdf file (for the same cost as the kindle edition, of course). Thanks.

BTW Many of the reviews of Kate McCann's book on Amazon are actually quite negative, and the talk of huge sums for the serialisation rights may just be McCann spin. In any event, the book has proved to be a 7-day wonder - sales have now dropped right off and there is no way that it is going to generate anywhere near the seven-figure sum that the McCanns were originally hoping would be pouring into their limited company's coffers. Plus there is a growing groundswell against the McCanns in public opinion in the UK.

Anonymous said...

Excellent book Pat, really enjoyed reading it. And look forward to the reaction! Best wishes, Flossy x

Pat Brown said...

The UPDATED version of the Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann is now available! PLEASE be sure to click on that one at Amazon and not the other (which I can't pull yet until Amazon allows me to). And, thanks, Flossy! (I hope you got the new version). It will be interesting to see what happens. If you can, PLEASE write a positive review on the Profile because surely we will be having some folks coming along who are not going to be pleasant about the book!

Anon, not sure I can do the pdf thing...I will have to look into that.

Anonymous said...

What a sicko you are Pat Brown. Mixing with the likes of Bennett and his cronies.
I'm sure your fame (Ah) will go down well with the TV.
Somebody should do a profile on you, see what that digs up mmmm.

Anonymous said...

anon 6.07 - out of order

Pat Brown said...

Anon at 4:36, someone just wrote me that they downloaded Kindle for the computer for free! Try that!

Anne said...

I'm afraid your book, Pat, will make people want to read KMC's one, a short seller basically.
Anyhow, I'm glad some critic popped up publicly and fearlessly !
May I say ?
"while their parents enjoyed their last night in town" sound ambiguous. They had done it 4 times already and this was not intended to be the last.
"Madeleine and her brother, Sean, had spent a good hour of the previous evening crying" didn't happen on the 2nd of May, but on the 1st, according to the witness, PF, a very discreet lady who died recently.
None of these doctors is a surgeon. The media, in the beginning, said GMC was a heart surgeon, but he's just a heart consultant.

Johanna said...

Just got Kindle for PC and downloaded the book from Going to read it at the hairdressers this afternoon.

Pat Brown said...

Good points,Anne! And, yes, I fear I am doing a bit of a favor for the McCann fund, but, I am hoping to get more focus on the evidence and, hoping, some new investigator will follow through with it.

Anonymous said...


Many thanks for that - I have now found and downloaded Kindle for PC (FREE - YIPPEE!) and also downloaded your Profile from Amazon! Looking forward to reading it.

As far as Anon @ 6.07AM is concerned, all I would say is, with "friends" like these, the McCanns don't need enemies!

Kind regards


Anonymous said...

I have followed the Mccans from day one and read so, so many things about them.
Goncalo Amarel was spot on with his theory, as was martin Roberts (a criminal profiler) and the sniffer dogs.
Pat hit the nail on the head from the start with analising the behaviour of the Mccanns from the off. Leaving 3 kids under 4 alone at might, every night and in her new book is totally spot on.
Kate Mccanns book is 'All about me', the bits about Madeleine could fill an A4 and still she believes she didn't do anything wrong.
There was no abduction, they're all 'acting', the Mccanns, their friends.....
I wish I hadn't bought the Mccanns book and lined their pockets, I'd have sooner given Pat £10 instead.
Joanne Howe

Pat Brown said...

Thanks much, Joanne! I wish you had too::laughs::

Anne said...

"the McCanns became victims and villains at the same time"
Neither victims nor villains ! Isn't that tendency of ours to dualism precisely the tree that hides the forest ?

Alexandra Correia said...


Thank you for existing!

Thank you for your courage and for being assertive and thinking for your own head. The price you charge for the book is absolutely symbolic which means that what made you came forward: is the truth, always the truth nothing about the truth.

I appreciate and I thank you again.

You've done a good public service to the world and concretely to Mccanns (ending their hell of lies will be considered an act of compassion, if I might say so).

High ideals before personalities is a very welcome movement Pat. World won't be the same after Madeleine McCann most advertised case but at least we believe much more can be done to put children rights and safety before parents needs.

A minute of silence for all Madeleines around the world.

Alexandra Correia

Pat Brown said...


I also do pro bono work for police departments, so if every asked to work on the case, I would do so for either Great Britain or Portugal.

Please do a favor and put up a good review at Amazon! Let's keep forwarding the message.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your commitment to victims of crime and your courage in saying it as you see it.

I'm agreeing with "Anne" above that the ACTUAL crying incident was on May 1st.

The crying incident described in Kate's book was, in my opinion, a cover-your-ass for the witness statement of an elderly woman (Pamela Fenn) who lived directly above the McCann's apartment.

Much has been written in the press regarding Pamela Fenn, however after giving her police statement, Mrs. Fenn upheld the Portuguese Judicial Secrecy law and refused to speak to anyone about the case. Her own words (in her police statement) are the only reliable source regarding what she heard in the apartment below her.

On Tuesday night, May 1, Mrs Fenn heard a *child* (singular) crying for over an hour in the McCann's apartment. Pamela heard the child shouting "Daddy, Daddy" and said the crying abruptly stopped when the patio door opened, which she assumed meant the parents had arrived back in the apartment.

Mrs. Fenn was not at home during the day on Wed May 2nd, but she WAS at home Wed night, the night prior to the "abduction". Her police statement did not include any report of crying that night.

Thanks again for the insights you have regarding this case. There are MANY people all over the world who know things do not add up in the McCann's version of events. Importantly, the McCanns continue to attempt to completely destroy the image of the Portuguese police, specifically the original coordinator on the case, Goncalo Amaral. As a wikileaks cable made clear, it was not only Amaral who concluded Madeleine died in the apartment and the McCanns hid her body. It was both the British and the Portuguese police who came to that conclusion.

Madeleine's case is SHELVED in Portugal, not CLOSED. The McCanns are NOT exonerated as they attempt to lead people to believe. The Portuguese have made it clear the case can be reopened at any point that new evidence emerges.

Thanks again, Pat. You'll take a lot of heat for commenting on the McCann case but hopefully you know that there are MANY people around the world who refuse to bow down to the lawyers being paid out of the "Find Madeleine" fund or to the Media Manipulators who many suspect are also being paid for out of fund donations.

Anne said...

Sorry, Anonymous 8:45, but Mrs Pamela F* went out on Wednesday evening. This is why she was sure she heard crying for over an hour on Tuesday. She even called a friend because she was worried.
But there was someone close by on Wednesday night, just on the other side of the wall behind Madeleine's head. And we know the wall is thin because they heard the neighbours when they were having bath. If it was Wednesday that Madeleine cried, as she allegedly claimed she did (as well as her brother), the lady, one of the TPs, would have heard: she wasn't well and didn't have dinner with the others.
Did Madeleine say something else ? Did she say something too terrible to remember ?

Anonymous said...

From Mrs. Fenn's witness statement:

"She did not have anything to report for the 2nd May, because she was only home at night."

So, if Mrs. Fenn was out in the evening May 2, please provide source. I'm not saying isn't true, but that relying on police statements is preferred to ANY news articles about the case because so much written (especially in the UK) has been proven false.

P.S. I don't want to move the conversation off-topic, which is Pat Brown's article above.

Anonymous said...


Just a quick note. Have now read your book. Excellent summation and one with which I, as an ex-Police officer, would concur. Please keep up the good work.

Kind regards


Anonymous said...

Sorry if I double posted my comment, I was not sure if it went through the first time, so I clicked twice.


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your profile. It makes a lot of sense and pretty much reflects my own views on this case. I too think their initial reactions were genuine. I have seen the reactions of parents who were suddenly bereaved - grief, despair and rage - which is what Mrs Mccann describes. Parents whose child goes missing don't stay home, screaming and punching walls whilst waiting for daylight - they go into frantic search mode and get out there immediately, traipsing the streets and knocking on doors.

Anonymous said...

Could Munchausen by proxy syndrome escalate to this level, killing or making arrangements for children to go missing, then glow in the media (appealing to narcissists), then profit off book and/or movie deals?

Anne said...

Anonymous, I said "evening" because we don't now at what time Mrs F* came back on the 3rd. Evening isn't exactly night and is evidently rather subjective. If you read the continuity of the statement, you understand that Mrs F* could say nothing about the 2nd because she was home only at night. As she says later that on that day (the 3rd) nothing special happened until 22h30, you may presume that this wasn't yet really "night".

Anonymous said...

Anne, Anonymous 8:45 (me) hereby stands corrected! As I agree with Pat's profile (having downloaded and read the Kindle version), everything fits.

May Pamela Fenn rest in peace. She was described in outrageously unflattering terms in Kate McCann's book. To the rest of us, she was an honest, decent woman concerned about the welfare of the children in the apartment below her own.

Anne said...

I do agree totally, Anonymous 11:50 or 8:45, about Pamela Fenn. How rude it was to write about her (even if her name isn't mentioned) like this ! PF surely reacted with the same delicacy and determination to respect private life she revealed later. And apart from that how stupid it was not to ask her whether she had heard something, instead of mocking her.

Anonymous said...

very stupid indeed

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:16PM

Truth hurts doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh, FGS, the idiot that said that Kate McCann wasn't searching is full of it. She describes in her book wandering the streets looking for Madeleine. You people are idiots and make-up shit just to support your idiotic theories.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Ms. Brown. I intend to download Kindle for PC this afternoon and buy your latest work on the McCanns. I shall also leave a review after I've read it. You seem to have seen straight through the McCanns and all their obfuscation. I now understand why your reputation as a profiler is sterling and your opinions are sought by the police. If only there were someone like you in the UK who was not afraid to speak out about this!

Anonymous said...

anon 1.38 - she didn't search on the night as it was dark, obv not heard of torches. on first light she decided to go out. or so she said.

Anonymous said...

Well done Pat! A refreshing and wholesome read with mucho food for thought from someone who is more independent and objective than many!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:38 PM

She might have said in the book that she was out searching, but she has stated in many interviews before the book that she did not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:38
Kate McCann did NOT wander the streets looking for Madeleine. She took NO part in the searches on the night of the alleged "abduction".

Just after sunrise the following morning, Kate and Gerry went out alone. Read the police files, watch the interviews and don't waste people's time with what is indisputably on record.

Anonymous said...

What you after Pat 15 minutes of fame and your bank balance topping up, off of the back of Madeleine McCann.
I'm surprised Bennett hasn't given you a paypal button.

Anonymous said...

Pat Brown is available for TV, radio, print and speaking engagements to provide accurate information on serial killers, serial homicide, psychopathology, victimology, self-defense against predators, and any of our top news stories concerning homicide and violence in our society.

Also Bennetts puppet, I will do whatever he wants me to.

Anonymous said...

You should really read the rogatory interviews conducted in Leicester by Rebello for a fuller picture.
To say the McCann's tried to muddy the water is an understatement.

They are widely available online.

Anonymous said...

by the way...

the Rogatory interviews at Leicester Police Station came AFTER the McCann's & their friends had all met up (Clarence Mitchell let this nugget slip by mistake in an interview) at a hotel in Rothley.

They insisted they didn't meet up to get their stories straight but merely because they hadn't seen each other since Portugal.

Pat Brown said...

I have read the rogatory interviews and use them in my Profile, especially Jane Tanner's which I found quite fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Cages getting rattled here I see. It's rather tough and there is nothing you can do about it. America is going to get the truth. No threats of suing and bullying will wash in the USA.

Matthew said...

Dear Pat,

not all of your fans seem to share your vision.
That's OK for but some of them just don't find the right words to express themselfs in a human way.
I apology in their name.
Keep up the good work
Kind regars from Belgium

Pat Brown said...

Thanks, Matthew! I don't think they are "fans." I can respect that people have a different theory of what occurred, even that the McCanns have nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance; differing viewpoints are welcome in discussing cases and we can all learn from the analyses of others.

Anonymous said...

Convincing read. Thank you. The three men possibly colluding together after Gerry has found the body makes a lot of sense. I think the main question that remains is why they are, apparently, being protected. It is strange.

UK reader.

Matthew Belgium said...

Sorry , I can't get the link in here(amateur) .
Just go to youtube and look for:
CNN McCann on the moment Madeleine disappeared

Listen at these 3 things (maybe there is more)

For the first time Kate does not forget to tell and confirm (in her story) that Matt went in at 21h.30 but now she forgets to check on the twins.

She did'n panic when Maddie was not in her bed.?????? That means that more than once she left her room at night !!!!!

Why doesn't Kate screams from the balcony in sight of the table ?

IMO the patio-doors were always locked and Matt never went in.

Matthew Belgium said...

Here is the link I hope

Anne said...

Anonymous 4:34, it is a pity you conceal you identity ! What is the value of your words ? What you describe a bout PB's book, one could say it of KMC's one ! So please argue ! At least give an example !

Anne said...

Gosh, not only the post of Anonymous 4:50 erased one I had written about how KMC used the book to justify her attitude, but now Anonymous's post has disappeared ! Not a good idea imo...

Anne said...

Pat, what I most admire in the US, as a citizen of the old Europe, is the first amendment.
Please, don't disappoint me, please bring Anonymous... back ! And erase this post.

Pat Brown said...

Anne, if any of your posts were erased accidentally, many apologies. We have a rule here at WCI that while one can disagree with the author on the issues in the post, personal attacks are deleted. If there was nothing of that in your post, it was not meant to be deleted. Pat

Johanna said...

If you read Jane's rogatory then you have read this totally unquestioned for statement she gave here for the first time.

""I think the Wednesday night, there was one night when Exxxx had a complete meltdown and sort of, she's not sort of a tantrumy child but she was so tired she just sort of crashed and screamed during bath time. I think that might have been, I'm not sure if that was the Wednesday, it could have been the Wednesday but she just had a complete, you know how the kids do when they're tired, complete meltdown and there's screaming and they're so tired it was quite hard to settle her but then she just, she just crashed, but there was, I think that was the Wednesday night that she, I mean by, when we were playing in the play area she sort of lay on the floor and started, which she doesn't do at all so we knew she was, we knew she was shattered at that point. But I think that was the Wednesday.""

At that time they did not know that Mrs. Fenn had not been in the apartment above that day. If there had been heavy crying at bedtime and a child that just "crashed" then an explanation was needed. Wednesday was another night Kate had to bring 3 children under 4 alone to bed according to Jez Wilkins statement....

Anne said...

Pat, argumentum ad hominem judges only who spits it. No use to erase. My post was suppressed by some accident, I clicked "post comment" and it disappeared. Instead I saw the Anonymous 4:34's post to which I reacted then but which disappeared as well a short time after.

Anne said...

Pat, I read two posts that in fact had nothing to do with this case. I'm amazed how violent and overwhelming is the post-modern manichaeist representation of the world.
There's a bullying case, for example, that brought quite a few teenagers to court. They were accused (by others who denounced them AFTER) to have bullied a girl who finally hanged herself. There was no shadow of a doubt in the minds ! The baddies vs the lamb. It appeared that this poor girl (who imo didn't intend to die) used to be a bullying one in Ireland from where she came. But nobody linked to that, the hatred was so extreme that reasoning was hopeless.

Pat Brown said...

Bullying IS an extreme problem and some kids are totally innocent victims and parents and schools are not doing enough to stop it. Sadly, we also have teens whose parents are not paying attention to their kids and their behaviors are getting out of control, leading sometimes to horrible retaliations. No one should be bullied but we have to be aware that sometimes all parties are getting into the ring and somebody ends up getting the shortest end of the deal. As a society we need to work with our children to learn healthy behaviors that don't lead to volatile situations.

Anne said...

Pat, were you bullied once ? I was, girls would throw stones on me when religion wars were studied at school, because I was a calvinist in a mainly catholic country. I survived and as Nietzsche says, what didn't kill me made me stronger.
But I agree very much that some kids have no resilience capacity, suffer a lot and need help. But can we require from school teachers what parents won't do ?
This is just an answer to you, Pat, so you're welcome if you erase it !

Willo said...

One thing that has stuck in my mind since the start.According to Gerry, Madeleine went missing for 45 minutes earlier on in the week. She was eventually found hiding under a bush. This incident occurred without any instant claims of abduction or any apparent worry from the McCanns or Taopas group. Why?
If, knowing the girl was prone to running off and hiding, why would Kate suddenly fear abduction that night? Why was not a bigger scene made earlier on in the week when she went missing?
The frightening thought I have is that if it was a true statement that she was hiding earlier what or who she was hiding from?
But in reality I think it was another lie to promote the point that she wandered off regularly thus giving more cred to a abduction on the street scenario. That's also maybe why the doors became unlocked all of a sudden.
Good work Pat, keep it up.

Anne said...

Madeleine run in daytime with the twins behind to the bottom of the corridor, turned around the building, entered one of the patios and hid there. Her father had never gone in that direction, he found the kids some minutes after. She was playing, but it denotes an adventurous Madeleine (as Father Seddon stated).

Anonymous said...

Oh Anne you do right some crap.

Pat Brown said...

Willie, I agree the doors most likely were locked. And, Anne, that particular movement of Madeleine running about the building may well account for where the search dogs supposedly followed her scent (of a live person).

Pat Brown said...

To T,

I think like you, others in law enforcement like the PJ detectives, know something is wrong with the abduction theory because the evidence simply doesn't support it.

Anonymous said...

Things I would like to know before I die...

- Where is Jimmy Hoffa?
- Was there a shooter on the Grassy Knoll?
- Do we have the remains of a crashed UFO in area 51?
- Was Shrodingers Cat alive or dead?
- Where is Madeleine McCann?

I'm looking forward to the prospect of striking one off the list...

Anne said...

Pat, the patrol dog followed this path and, 24 hours later, so did the trail dogs. The "run" episode was three/four days old but the scent was in ideal conditions (closed passage). No dog however stopped in front of a patio gate.

Johanna said...

Assuming her body was carried by Gerry from the apartment in the direction of the cliffs (western part of town where the Smith sighting occurred)wouldn't the sniffer dogs (those that react to an alive scent)have indicated that path if she had only died around an hour before? From what I have read they can still detect the smell from a recently deceased person but not from a day old body.

Anonymous said...

During the McCann's injunction against Gonçalo Amaral's book (that they lost by the way!) at Lisbon Cout House a few police inspectors were there giving their statements on the matter.

One of them, said that Kate McCann has called him to tell him about a dream (nightmare) she had. She saw Madeleine dead and laid down in a top of a hill. Police felt that as a sign that she might be recognizing Madeleine is dead.

Out of the court house, Gerry McCann when asked by the media about this dream said that he didn't know if something was lost in translation but Kate never, ever told police such a thing.

When one of your possible theories presents the possibility of Madeleine's body may have been transferred, somehow, to England makes me wonder about a mysterious words of a policeman when asked about this case: "this case - or crime, don't remember right words - is entirely english".
Was he considered that this transference has happened and the body was not in PDL anymore? Maybe.

But that does not match with the sudden and secret (known until last minute) flights Mccann's do often to Algarve visiting friends (I thought they were is a foreign country with no friends around but now we know they're plenty of. They must be very closed friends if we consider so many visits). This eternal returns may be related to something, someone they left behind and is still there.

Other thing that came to my mind is the jogging activity that might have been a clever away to get lost in the middle of the woods and cliffs and visiting someone dear to them. Checking if they had the place under control without raising specific suspicious, like the real objective of such sport activity.

Pat Brown said...

Johanna, the ability for the dogs to follow the scent of a living person (when they actually goes down fairly quickly and much has to do with the conditions as well. The trail the dogs followed tells us three things; either Maddie was running about or went with her on that route, someone carried a dead (but still scentable Maddie along that route), or a predator took her that route. Most importantly, it isn't the route Jane Tanner claims the suspect was going.

Anonymous 8:02, yes, they went jogging quite a bit up those cliffs and I agree that there may have been a reason besides exercise they chose to run there.

Anonymous said...

I've read your book in a short time.

Easy language and clean thoughts.

When someone have clear ideas, is able to write it down very well.

I found it very democratic because you've explored all the possible routes. But, here, we do not need to be a cop to understand what might be or not be supported by evidence.

This reminds me a Leonard Cohen's song: "...everybody knows captain is lying,.. that's how it goes, everybody knows..."

Thanks for sharing your expertise with me.

Hope your recommendation will be follow by whom is in charge of this investigation in british soil.... but what shall they do with the conclusions?.... sharing it with the McCann's?


Anne said...

"it isn't the route Jane Tanner claims the suspect was going."
Yes and neither was it the route the Smith carrier took.
Is there a scientific experience about the capacity dogs have to catch a residue of living scent left by a recent corpse IF carried by someone whose scent largely predominates ?

Pat Brown said...

Anne, you are correct that neither the Tanner or Smiths route was picked up by the tracker dogs. This makes sense if the Tanner sighting is a fabrication and the Smith sighting was of a man carrying a deceased child.

As to your question about the science of this,it is a bit confusing, much like the issues of the cadaver dogs or the issue of the chloroform testing, smell tests, and mtDNA hair band testing in the Anthony case. They are all very useful tools but there is still some controversy over them. Which is why one must use them as investigative tools or within the totality of the evidence. You may not believe the dog is always accurate but if the dog lead you to the body or a person, that gets you evidence. Or if the dog gives you information that added to the analysis helps you move the case in a direction then it is useful. Proving the absoluteness of something becomes a matter for the courts. Then it has to be analyzed in context. If you have a hair you claim is from a deceased Caylee Anthony, whether you can be pretty sure it is or not might depend on who else is alive and where the hair was. Because the hair was found in the trunk of a car where decomposition was found and only one female Anthony is dead, logically, t then, this is a hair from Caylee. In court, this is what the prosecution hopes the jury will see.

Likewise, in the McCann case. One piece of evidence alone maybe could have a couple different explanations or simply be meaningless, but included in the totality of the evidence, it may mean a lot.

Anonymous said...

I see they have their priorities straight again, they are now suing another three individuals who made comments on Portuguese tv show about the case. News from today.

Anne said...

Many thanks for replying, Pat. In fact the Tanner man seems to carry a corpse as well (horizontal, like a sacrificial victim). This sighting is so strange that it couldn't be invented imo. But of course the time and the direction might have been "corrected" to fit the abduction scenario and give an alibi to a lot of people.
About the Smith carrier, there are some indications (pale skin, clumsy way of carrying) that the little girl was without muscular tone.
Could a 24h corpse be carried vertically against shoulder without people noting stiffness and livid marks ?
Johanna, above, elaborated quite a convincing theory, very well documented except for this crucial detail.
Why would a man carry a dead child ? Would he be looking for a place to dispose of it ? Do modern predators know about DNA tests ? If one doesn't just dump a body but makes sure nobody will find it, is it in fear to be caught through DNA ?
About the EVRD, MG had no reason to cheat, but it seems he knew which flat, which car was MC and this might have biased the results.KMC says it in her book and she's right...

Anonymous said...

Kate, in her book, does not say that she searched - she spent half of the night on her mobile phone and the other half of the night sitting staring at Dianne Webster "as still as statues". She also mentioned that she walked in and out of the room. Gerry slept.

Johanna said...

""Johanna, above, elaborated quite a convincing theory, very well documented except for this crucial detail.
Why would a man carry a dead child ? Would he be looking for a place to dispose of it ?""

Thank you for your comment. IMO the Tanner sighting was contrived to give Gerry an alibi for the "time of abduction" by the only independent witness that evening, Jeremy Wilkins.

The actual disposal of the body to a predetermined hiding place along a dark and usually deserted route was disturbed by the incredibly bad luck of encountering 10!! people from one family.

This made the Tanner sighting necessary but since there was little time to exchange visions about such a removal she came up with the improbable horizontal carrying that first came to her mind. All in my humble opinion of course.

Anne said...

"that particular movement of Madeleine running about the building may well account for where the search dogs supposedly followed her scent (of a live person)."
Those dogs (the first a patrol dog with some tracking training and the two others tracker dogs) follow the fresher, more recent scent trail corresponding to the referent scent. On the 3rd, Madeleine, according to her father, went to the creche, in the morning through the patio, came back home (probably the same way), went out through the patio again after lunch and after high tea also. This is the trail the dogs should have followed had she not wandered off.

Anne said...

Johanna, do you think (in fact that would be a justification for this weird carrying manner) that JT, knowing that Madeleine was dead, instinctively described the alleged abductor carrying the body like in our mental representations ? Would a father hold his dead child this way ? I don't think so, but a rescuer certainly would.

Pat Brown said...

Actually, I don't think anyone would carry a child, dead or alive, this way down the street...because if they did, someone might think the child was...well, dead.

Pat Brown said...

Also, it is a most uncomfortable way to carry a little child. And predator would want to snuggle his little exciting prize next to him.

june said...

Kate, in her book, does not say that she searched - she spent half of the night on her mobile phone and the other half of the night sitting staring at Dianne Webster "as still as statues". She also mentioned that she walked in and out of the room. Gerry slept.
that cant be true that gerry slept

Anne said...

JT describes this way of carrying as what you do when you move a sleeping child from a bed, so that he/she will not wake up. This is very tiring, but isn't carrying a corpse like the Smith carrier exhausting as well ? Women couldn't, I'm afraid : not enough muscles!

Yes, a predator would want to snuggle a little body, if alive. But not a corpse, unless necrophilia motivated.

glitter brain said...

Hi Pat..Read your updated version on the Mccanns...found it brilliant and gave it 5 stars on Amazon...OMG...I hope the Mccanns are innocent cos if they are guilty my faith in the human race will be shattered

Pat Brown said...

Hi Glitter! Thank you so very much for the great review! But, regardless of guilt or innocence, don't give up on humanity! What always amazes me - working in the field I do and dealing constantly with homicide and psychopaths and horrible acts - is the people I have met all over the world who do totally selfless acts, kindnesses in times of difficulty, and who stand for what is right against threats of harm....these people amaze me and give me hope.

Anne said...

Asked, people who opened their door during WW2 to chased Jews would simply say they couldn't behave another way. For mankind this is less a model of perfection than a sign of perfectibility.
Glitter, I wonder what you mean with "guilty". Guilty of what ? Please answer, this question interests me very much.
Pat, I'm very sorry I have no access to your book. I do not work on Windows but on Linux and Amazon has no download program for Linux (Microsoft monopoly...). Is there any project of paper edition ?

Anonymous said...

Do you actually know Kate and Gerry McCann or spoken with them they are decent ppl. and loved Madeleine very much - they certainly did not hurt her. Your story is very far fetched - lets hope SY can help in finding what actually happened to dear little Madeleine.

Pat Brown said...

Anon, one does not have to know someone to analyze the evidence. My theory is based on this and not just creative writing. I people have different views of child endangerment, but, considering the McCann's say this about why they continue their campaign - "She is very young and vulnerable and needs our help." - it is rather odd they did not have that same thinking in Praia da Luz when Madeleine was only three years old.

Anne said...

Who doubts the MCs adored their daughter ?
But they love themselves too and whatever they did or didn't, they had to convince their fold it wasn't their fault.
Devastated, surely, as PB doesn't doubt it, but busy too with calling their family and friends selling the jimmied shutters and window,something they didn't dare to tell the police (everybody has those shutters in Portugal). The abduction from bed through jimmied shutters myth was born and is still living !
Devastated, sure, but, strange human kind, capable to make phone calls ! Not running around sobbing their daughter's name.

Anne said...

their folK, sorry !

Anonymous said...

We are not judge and jury are we?????????The McCanns are innocent as we have heard from the PJ - they beat themselves up everyday re leaving their children and have said this on occasions. Re loving themselves yes we should love ourselves but they do adore their children and will carry on looking and finding out what happened to Madeleine - Kate and Gerry are heartbroken. Unless u actually were there that night u cannot know the truth. Kate and Gerry did sob and call her name where do u get all this ideas from?????? the media?????Stop being judge and jury please.

Anne said...

A riddle ! Who says this and about whom ?
"be miserable and live in fear !"

Anonymous said...

Just who was looking for Madeleine that nights, DW states in her rogatory interview
4078 "Yeah."
Reply "And then a lot of the time was spent with them, frantic really, on the phone to, to family absolutely distraught."

4078 "Apart from David and Fiona and Gerry and Kate and the twins and your girls, who else did you see during that time? Sort of ten thirty in the evening to ten o' clock the following morning."
Reply "Well I think there was some of the staff from the Ocean Club, the I seem to remember one or two of them being in the apartment initially, I think that was when they were putting up the cots and stuff like that. I know when I got up in the morning which I think might have been about seven o' clock I don't know, I'm not sure, Kate and Gerry had already left the apartment, they were out looking again as far as I know. We obviously had the twins for that day, we didn't have them two nights, I just checked that."
''Reply "No, because as you went on you'd meet other groups, there was Nathan, one of the waterfront people, who managed the waterfront, who we'd met previous on a MARK WARNER holiday, so, you'd sort of cross paths with people who were sort of searching and then, it'd get deserted and there were dogs barking at you as you sort of wandered around, because some of the apartments were occupied and some were still being built, so there was a kind of a bit of, a sort of a lonely sort of isolated place, but, it was all very sort of close, and there was nothing, looking for sort of like funny parked cars or, anything really that seemed a bit odd".
00.57.42 4078 "Did you see Kate during that initial?"
Reply "No, no, I mean, partly, because I just didn't know what to say to them and partly because by that time they were in with the Police. And then we went to bed about sort of two, three, something like that".
4078 "You obviously found it very, very difficult seeing Gerry in that state?" ''

Ask yourself one thing

Whether your child or not, would you ?

Doesn't add up, does it.

Anonymous said...

That your opinion but as I said you were not there so dont judge.None of us know what adds up. Lets hope and pray SY can help.

Anonymous said...

OK yes it's my opinion, whether I was the parent, the member or the group who checked, or just one that was part of the group, I would have been out with the rest of PDL that night.

Neither would I have entertained the notion of leaving three children unattended in an unlocked apartment for four nights, even if dressed up to be a ''child-friendly holiday complex'' Madeleine, p35.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you I would never leave my children but I know for a fact Kate and Gerry thought it was safe but it was extremely foolish and they definately know this now. The children could have had an accident but now litle Madeleine is missing Bless her cotton socks. I will not judge its not upto me to be judge and jury. Goodnite.

Anonymous said...

mrs mccann wished a life of fear and misery over the policeman who tried to solve the case, she is a sad sick woman

Anne said...

She wishes for that man what she herself feels.
This mental disorder has a name. I wonder why nobody pinpointed it. "Madeleine" is full of evidence of this.
As I said before KMC's hatred is not due to GA's theory but to the fact he didn't discovered the truth.

Anne said...

Sorry for that : he didn't discover or he hasn't discovered !

Anne said...

1) I do have big French doors and I can tell you that my son (3) was able to slide them (if not locked).
2) The child safety gate is a bit of a mystery. As you saw, nobody mentioned it in the first, second and even arguido statements. The first to speak about it was DP in the rogatory mission. Since then KMC mentions this gate in her book. Do you think that they opened and shut this gate every time they checked ? What for ?
3) The main door wasn't locked, which means it was very easy to open (just pull with a finger) from the inside. JT and ROB noticed this and locked to prevent their eldest to wander off. The O* and the P* kids were in cots, incapable to get out.

Pat Brown said...

All excellent points, Anne. I contend the house was locked down, that they would never feel comfortable with leaving doors open to anyone who wished to come in. BUT, if they are going to claim they are open, then why would they say it was impossible for Maddie to get out?

Anne said...

Pat, this is exactly the question !
Moreover because, according to Fiona P* (Rogatory Mission), Kate MC, at dinner, asked her opinion about leaving the doors unlocked so that if Madeleine woke up she could get out and find them...
That would make sense if Madeleine had known where to find them. She had no idea.
The guilt would be the same, whether an accident happened inside (because they were'nt home) or outside (because as they weren't home Madeleine went out to search them).
Finally they had been warned ! Madeleine had told them how she discovered they left at night.

Anonymous said...

From Anon @ 12.53

I'll ask you one burning Q, that I've never understood, as a group of intelligent people, why didn't they re-group.

Women and children together, settled down with Mrs McCann. The men and spare females to go about organising, searching.

Then when all was obvious you needed the light of day to continue, why didn't they then sleep in shifts and relays.

A group of nine acted as individuals, ''going to bed''

Sorry, apart from all happened, I've never understood, that they never re-grouped

Women and children in a safe environment, protected. With as many hands available to continue.

Have you any thoughts ?

Pat Brown said...

Anon, I think the answer to that is the purpose of any group solidarity and purpose of the mission, none of which I really believe much existed. I think the most that may have happened is an agreement to be supportive in one manner or the other, right at the start. From there, the only thing I see is that no one likely wants to come forward because of the repercussions.

What IS clear now, is that as a group they have never stood together with the McCanns in the media, answered questions, and made a pleas for the return of Madeleine.

Anne said...

If you read the rogatory mission interviews you understand the group, except for the P*, hardly knew the MC. Some friendship existed between Kate and Fiona. They supported the MC as far as this meant supporting themselves (all left their kids alone and no baby monitor is able to seize a child from its cot in case of a fire or a seism).
If they had been real friends, they in fact would have organized a search and a vigil, as you say, Anonymous 4:45. Madeleine alive but suffering somewhere (especially if she had been molested), surely needed to hear a familiar voice calling for her.It seems incredible they didn't think of that. Unless they lack totally of imagination.

Anonymous said...

Please confirm what policeman did a good job from the PJ???????????not Gonc I hope tragically he is up in court soon on a charge which is not very nice at all. Mind you innocent like The McCanns until proved guilty. Kate McCann is not a nasty lady and as none of you actually know her kindly do not judge. I was directed to this site by another and to be honest its a lot of mumbo jumbo.

Anonymous said...

Just read this on a blog Pat.
Seems your days as a profiler are numbered. You are one sad old creep thats for sure.

Que? What planet is the pretendy profiler on? She appears to have missed one or two little details - no doubt because she is too busy getting her vast ego stroked by pitchforkers.

And topping her bank account up in the process.
I'm sending some of her crap to US newspapers & TV stations, oh nearly forgot Nancy Grace too. I think they will like to know the type of perv's she's mixing with, and the libel she is posting about the McCanns.
I see she now has Jane Tanner in her sights, big mistake Lady Pat.

Anonymous said...

Why o Why cannot people leave The McCanns alone or help in some way to find their beloved daughter instead of picking holes and being nasty or pretending they are in the know.The above message is very true sadly.

Anonymous said...

............. and if Madeleine aged eight was to walk in through the door today, what do you think she might think.

How did it go, 'where were you when Sean was crying' referring to the Wednesday, that excludes the witnessed crying episode on the Tuesday for more than an hour.

Oh, I know the abductor was drugging them and chancing his luck.

.............. just wonder what a child would make of their parents.

The world through the eyes of child is very black and white and somewhat instant.

Pat Brown said...

I left a couple of Anon attacks up so people can see they consists of attacking me and not the profile I wrote nor do they provide any evidence that there was an abduction.

If I go against police conclusions, I am said to have a big ego and no law enforcement background so I haven't the right. If I agree with the police, I am as corrupt as they are! When people attack the person and not their determinations, they haven't much to stand on.

Pat Brown said...

If you have evidence that points to the abduction of Madeleine McCann, please do share!

Anonymous said...

I do not have to share there is no other explanation I can see (and I am a professional) with all the true evidence I have seen and heard The McCanns did not hurt their daughter physically but tragically, mentally if she is alive that is one very big worry. The McCanns knows this every day of their lives and all they want is Madeleine home with them and her siblings.One can go over the evidence which has been twisted re DNA etc.etc. but all I hope SY will come forth with the truth.

Anonymous said...

last comment on this site as we all have our own opinions - I would not attack u personally Pat that it not how I work and see things - u have written a book and u feel its the truth as u see it - lets hope for the sake of little Madeleine who adored her mummy,daddy and siblings life will be good again or Madeleine is at peace Bless her.

Anne said...

Pat, I'm glad you left Anonymous 9:10, but like parrots he/she repeated thrice the same insults ad hominem (yes arguing requires more intellectual work..), so may be you could erase two.
Sometimes I wonder where has the Age of Enlightenment gone.

Pat Brown said...

The only proof of an abduction would be if Madeleine shows up alive or dead in someone's backyard (well, unless it is the McCanns).

Anne said...

If the MCs for some reason thought they had to make their daughter's body disappear, obviously they couldn't take any risk. It had to be for good or never! To make sure the body would never be found, there was only one way.
I thought of it very quickly, KMC also, it seems, according to her book.
Is it why they seem so secure ?

Pat Brown said...

Not having a body found is key to getting away with a crime. Has Drew Peterson been charged with the murder of missing Stacy Peterson in spite of his history, charges against him for homicide of the previous wife, and a large container being carried out of his house the day Stacy went missing? Has Josh Powell been charge with the murder of missing Susan Powell in spite of the wet spot on the living room carpet with fans blowing on it and the fact he took two toddlers "camping" in the middle of the night in a blizzard?

Unless you have really strong circumstantial evidence or a good amount of forensic evidence or solid, believable witnesses, making sure the body doesn't show up is a pretty good way to keep from getting arrested.

Anne said...

It seems you have some cleaning to do around, Pat ! Freedom of speech, in fact, isn't compatible with anonymity. Show your face, Anonymous 1,2,3,4, patati et patata ! What are you afraid of ?

Anne said...

"making sure the body doesn't show up is a pretty good way to keep from getting arrested"
So find a way to quickly reduce a body to its basic components and to have those mixed up with basic elements, and not only it will be difficult to charge you but the individual who disappeared in such a radical way will get an eternal virtual life. Pretending more, like to be considered as an innocent victim, could be a bit too much though.

Pat Brown said...

Not unusual though for innocent family members and guilty perpetrators. Both Powell and Peterson claim their spouses ran off with other men (one to Brazil, the other to Thailand) and have conjured up some tales to go with that.

In the case of America's missing Johnny Gosch, a terribly sad tale of a paperboy who was kidnapped 24 years ago almost unquestionably by a sex predator who likely killed him within hours, his mother claims he reappeared at her apartment to say he was still alive but being kept captive in a sex ring. The mother didn't have anything to do with Johnny going missing nor is she trying to benefit in any way from her tale; I think she has suffered severe emotional trauma and this is how it is coming out.

Pat Brown said...

Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine #McCann is #1 in Kindle True Crime!

Pat Brown said...

There are those who claim my profile is based on tabloid information other people's books and websites. This is absolutely not true. The entire profile is based only only the PJ files, the McCanns' television and radio interviews (where I am not depending on a reporter's words), and Kate McCann's own book. The sites and books listed under references were clearly mentioned in the beginning of the book as places people could go to learn more about the case and other's viewpoints.

Pat Brown said...

A previous poster has actually gone to the lengths of committing copyright violation and theft of my work and has been reported to the fraud unit of Amazon in conjunction with the FBI. Rather interesting that a person calling me a fraud is a thief.

Anne said...

Well said !
I borrowed a laptop with windows operating and downloaded your profile.
BUT I find abusive that Amazon sells only for Windows.
Linux is a non profit, very friendly operating system.

Ann said...

So when are you going to let people comment again?

Pat Brown said...

Comments are presently being moderated, but feel free to leave your comment and it will be posted as soon as possible if it is on topic, not a personal attack, or includes inappropriate content.

glitter brain said...

Jane Tanners sightings.. the man was carrying a child with her head on his left arm..if he lifted Madeleine from her bed her head should have been resting on his right arm

Anne said...

Very right, Glitter Brain !
But also, JT hardly could see the child's head without recognizing it and launching the alarm, isn't it ?

glitter brain said...

This comment of mine to the official site of Madeleine Mccann on Facebook was taken off... it said...."Read the book I found it very interresting...well done Kate...I was gripped from the was good to get your side of the story although there was no mention of the child safety gate whether it was open of shut..anyways I hope Madeleine is found soon and home with you".....that was it...2 hours later it was removed !!

Pat Brown said...

This is an interesting thought, Glitter, about the child being carried with her head to the left and not right. It WOULD be easier to simply scoop her up in one's arms as she lays and then her head would be to the right. Of course, it is always possible he could have grabbed the child by the shoulders and then shifted her to the left side because that was more comfortable for him (for me, I would put a child's head on the left because I am right-handed). However, I think most people carrying any child do not carry the child in outstretched arms but close to the body ESPECIALLY if you don't want the child's face seen which no abductor would want seen. Either way, Jane Tanner's story doesn't add up.

Anne said...

The mention of the child safety gate in the book, whereas this gate appears in no statement to the PJ, is weird. DP was the only person who thought of asking whether KMC found it open or shut, the shut position indicating, according to him, that Madeleine hadn't wandered off. As if she wasn't able to get out through the main door. But DP mentioned this only one year later, when interviewed by the LC.
A 4 years old would jump over a child safety gate, thus dangerous. When open it is tricky as well for an adult in the darkness. MO doesn't speak of it... another reason to doubt he ever entered in the flat.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat,
I havn't read your kindle version, but just wanted to ask your opinion on people who murder. Pertaining to the McCanns, do you think they purposefully killed their daughter or was it an accident? Was Kate jealous of her daughter and did that help fuel her desire to kill her? And how could the husband go along with that if true? Also, why isn't the public/law enforcement concerned about the other 2 children. If they can kill one of their children, what would stop them from killing the other two? Shouldn't CPS be involved? So many questions! If you already answered these questions in your book I apologize. Maybe in the years to come one of their friends in their group will spill the beans about what really happened that night. I believe I had read somewhere that it would be 9 yrs before someone in the group "would talk". That many people cannot simply keep a secret about the murder of an innocent child forever. The secret will eventually catch up with all of them and may play out as health problems later in life, not to mention the wonderful karma their souls are creating for themselves. I watch you on the Nancy Grace show and YOU ROCK! You should be a regular on her show. I wish there were more people in the world like you who help catch the evil beings and bring the truth into the light. Earth is lucky to have YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

I just read a blog post that says Pat Brown's kindle book profiling the Madeleine McCann case has been removed from Amazon because of Rupert Murdoch's insistence.

I confirmed that the item is no longer available at Amazon.


Pat Brown said...

My Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been Carter-Rucked. The McCanns have bullied Amazon into removing the book from sale which is why it is no longer listed on their site. Stay tuned.

PoisonPen said...

Everyone Slam Amazon; please send an email: No Censorship; online or off. This is America; they can pull that over there using their laws but we don't adhere to their laws. Know that.
They are soft on crime, don't publish often even until after a trial and sorry Kate, that's just not the way it'd done.

I believe Kate Killed her daughter that day; she was the last one with her; and her husband was with the Female Tennis Instructor on Lesson #2, and Kate was Pissed off. Vacation?

Kate McCann; I believe is the one and the only person of interest in this case.

We are smarter than you Kate. "they took her". Oldest mistake in the book honey....Kate. Oldest mistake. THEY? Them? Tell us more. Answer the 38 Questions Kate, then we'll speak.

Anonymous said...

Hello Pat!
I just read that your book has been taken off the sales on amazon? Thank God i bought it for my kindle two days ago and read it immediatly. What is your plan? I hope you won't let team McCann walk all over you and that you will make your book available for free so that the truth can spread. Some people say truth will never come out, i do not think so. More and more people are becoming aware of the McCanns fakeness... if Mr Murdoch can fall, so can they! Thank you so much for your help and work!

Anonymous said...

I find it outrageous that you have been Carter-Rucked. Like so many people around the world I have been waiting for Kate McCann to answer the 48 questions she has refused to answer. What mother would refuse to answer questions relating to the "disappearance" of her daughter unless she has something to hide. I'm hoping that something comes up out of the Murdoch hacking scandal that will expose the McCanns as covering up the death of Madeleine.

Anonymous said...

Shut it ya gullible fag

Anonymous said...

This child was targeted. That is very clear. watching the documentary, I never hear them say that they talk to the people that were running the daycare for the kids. That is where the children had been almost the whole time during the day. It that was run by that club. it's very simple, someone was watching that child they knew what they could do with that child they waited for the opportunity and they took her. Their friend probably did see someone taking her at that time. They took her they probably took her straight to a boat in the marina and whoever was on that boat took that little girl. They need to be looking at anybody who left that marina in a boat within 48 Hours of her disappearance I never hear anything about that. Or about the people running the daycare being interviewed. I'm only on the third part of the documentary I'm hoping that they're going to say something like that. That's what a real investigation means. It's almost laughable when a reporter on here it says that the parents being educated should have known not to let anybody into the crime scene. Seriously? they're doctorsnot police, they just lost their daughter they're in a panic. I doubt they're thinking of a Law & Order episode where you don't touch anything cuz it's a crime scene. Rediculous.

Anonymous said...

That's her motive? Her husband was playing tennis with older ladies? Going to have to come up with something better than that. The parents being involved in this was always just ridiculous. Why? Why? What is their motive? They were stressed out? They were on holiday. What is there to be stressed out about? They thought they were in a safe place. I agree they never should have left that door unlocked. But that doesn't make them murderers. If they did drug their children, which I don't believe, how would they overdose them? They're doctors that's the one thing that they should be able to do perfectly. Right?
Sorry about the censorship Pat. Never good.

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